​Curly Cherry and Maple with Maple Flowlines

Curly Cherry and Curly Maple stringer with Maple Flowlines and Paua Shell inlay.​

Detail shows Paua Shell inlay and signature/​

Detail shows Paua Shell inlay and signature/​

Board #4601 is the Classic shape, Curly Cherry and Birdseye Maple stringers with Maple Flowlines and Paua Abalone shell inlay​.

The Pintail Gun! 10" wide and 53" long.​

Curly Cherry with Maple and Walnut stringer with brushed aluminum tail protector.​

Detail of tail protector.​

Detail of tail protector.​

The Big Kahuna!! 10" Wide and a full 54" long.​

Curly Cherry and Maple Stringer with Maple Flowlines​

Bottom Detail of Kahuna shows wheel wells and logo.​

Another Kahuna model, this one in Mahogany with Maple stringers and rails.​

​Kahuna detail.

Our Classic shape on this one​, Quartersawn Lauan Mahogany with Maple stringer and Maple Flowlines.

Logo detail.​

Logo detail.​

Detail shows the beautiful grain...​

Our smallest model, the Menehune. Curly Cherry and Maple Flowlines and Rails​