​Crotch Walniut Top and Curly Maple sides

​Crotch Walniut Top and Curly Maple sides

All Quilted Maple​Shows dividers and suede bottom​

All Quilted Maple​

Shows dividers and suede bottom​

Curly Walnut top with Canarywood sides and Abalone lift. Click on a thumbnail to see full size.


Walnut top with Maple sides​

Quilted Maple top with Walnut Sides and Paua Shell inlay on lid lift. Click on a thumbnail for larger veiw.

Walnut top with Canarywood sides.​

Walnut top with Canarywood sides.​

All Curly Maple on this one.  Shows the dividers with Ultrasuede bottom lining. Click on a thumb for a larger view.