Curly Cherry and Maple with Maple Flowlines
Curly Cherry and Curly Maple stringer with Maple Flowlines and Paua Shell inlay.
Detail shows Paua Shell inlay and signature/
Board #4601 is the Classic shape, Curly Cherry and Birdseye Maple stringers with Maple Flowlines and Paua Abalone shell inlay.
The Pintail Gun! 10" wide and 53" long.
Curly Cherry with Maple and Walnut stringer with brushed aluminum tail protector.
Detail of tail protector.
The Big Kahuna!! 10" Wide and a full 54" long.
Curly Cherry and Maple Stringer with Maple Flowlines
Bottom Detail of Kahuna shows wheel wells and logo.
Another Kahuna model, this one in Mahogany with Maple stringers and rails.
Kahuna detail.
Our Classic shape on this one, Quartersawn Lauan Mahogany with Maple stringer and Maple Flowlines.
Logo detail.
Detail shows the beautiful grain...
Our smallest model, the Menehune. Curly Cherry and Maple Flowlines and Rails